Medicaid Waiver Program

The Aged and Disabled Medicaid Waiver Program offers an array of services to support people in their homes. Individuals aged 65 or older may be eligible if they (a) are eligible for Medicaid and have needs at a nursing facility level of care, (b) agree to participate in needs identification and choose to accept support services and (c) can be served safely at home at a cost no more than would be spent on nursing home care.

This waiver allows Medicaid money to be used to purchase non-medical services including service coordination, home care/chore services, assistive technology, emergency response systems, respite care for family caregivers, independence skills management, adult day care, home modifications, home-delivered meals, nutrition services and assisted living services.

To make an AD Medicaid Waiver Referral contact:

Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services
Division of Developmental Disabilities
402-595-1178 Medicaid Information